The Illustrative Masterplan seeks to deliver:

  • A sustainable scheme of up to 95 homes, which will increase local housing choice by providing a mix of dwelling types, tenures and sizes, including affordable housing;
  • A distinctive and walkable place to live with safe pedestrianised access to local facilities vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access will be onto Broughton Road, including a new pavement link;
  • The provision of a new access for the car boot sale operation;
  • Extensive new green spaces and a choice of recreational routes that encourage physical activity, social interaction and well-being;
  • A surface water drainage strategy which will provide amenity benefits, manage surface water runoff, improve water quality, biodiversity and provide ecological resilience;
  • A new equipped play area;
  • Diverse and characterful new streets incorporating tree planting;
  • Green corridors providing recreational amenity, biodiversity net gain and ecological benefits; and
  • A place for wildlife to thrive with linked habitats and wildlife corridors.

Bellway Homes is keen to work with the local community to identify any appropriate benefits it can bring to the wider Croft Village, and which can be secured by way of a planning application.